GYROKINESIS is a movement method that addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences.

GYROKINESIS is a revolutionary system of exercise that offers similar benefits also derived from yoga, dance, gymnastics, swimming, and tai-chi.

GYROKINESIS movement stretches and strengthens muscles while simultaneously stimulating and strengthening the connective tissues in and around the joints.

The exercises, synchronized with corresponding breathing patterns, provide stimulation to the cardiovascular and nervous systems which can range from gentle to quite challenging depending on the pace and intensity of the workout.

In this class you will move the entire body through circular natural movements of the spine, while also articulating all your joints.

Together we move through an intentional progression of movements and gently work your muscular skeletal structure through rhythmic and undulating choreography. These movements stimulate all the rhythmic systems in the body, including circulatory, lymphatic, nervous and respiratory.

You will leave feeling energized, refreshed and aligned.